Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Proud Auntie and Uncle

Jayme gave birth on Friday afternoon to Olivia Vincent Pappas! Here she is... The new family is doing well...

Jayme gave birth on Friday afternoon to Olivia Vincent Pappas! Here she is...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

People have blogs for their babies..I have a blog for my pigs..or at least a blog entry...

Speaking of babies...Here's a pic of my cousin Jayme and I. We met up in Cape Cod a few weeks ago! She's actually due today...we're waiting patiently for Geraldine to make her way into this world. Ok, the baby's name isn't going to be Geraldine, but Karl and I think it would be a fun name. This coming from the couple who own two guinea pigs named Camilla & Rattie.

Speaking of pigs... here are some artsy shots I took w/ the new camera.

Last week we had an amazing storm...lots of lightning. I got a few shots from our living room window and thankfully wasn't struck!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Anniversary and New Camera

Karl and I had a teriffic 1-Year Anniversary weekend. Here is the picture to prove it...

As you can see Karl gave me a new camera for our anniversary. It's a new Nikon Digital. So I took some pictures at home, and then headed out to Millenium Park. The weather was absolutely beautiful. I still haven't figured out f-stops and aperatures, but here are a few pictures that I took. I am going to have fun with this little camera.

Our little Camilla...

Flowers in the apartment...

And then I lurked around Millenium Park...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Our first blog...

Well here we are...well, actually here I am. One year ago this weekend Karl and I got married. What better way to celebrate, but opening our first blog. Its kind of weird writing out here in cyberspace.

Hmmm... not sure what else to say at this point. Will think of something more eloquent later. Perhaps when Karl comes into to town we can write an "official" first blog...seeing as though he doesn't know I've even started a blog for us.

Oh and I took this silly love calculator test today, and it says that we're only 19% compatible. Geeez, that's a crappy hand to be dealt on the eve of your one year anniversary! Sigh.