Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What was I expecting? Insta-Abs?

This diet stuff is no fun. Mostly because I really like to eat. But here's the thing, I don't like to eat boring things. I really like food. I'm a foodie at heart. I ate overly priced pork rinds this past weekend. I love making food. It's my hobby. So of course, eating said food would be attached to this hobby. Eating cereal, and cereal products on a daily basis for 75% of the meals you eat: sucks! I think what these past 3 days has taught me is that perhaps I just need to exercise a little self control next time I think about eating an entire back of doritos. Ugh, god they are so good. And I also just need to exercise! A friend of mine, is contemplating taking a class called: arms, ass, and abs. Really, what was I expecting after 3 days of eating cereal? Bad ass arms and redonk abs? Hmm, maybe. Oh gentle readers, I am not giving up yet. Do I really want to be beat by some stupid cereal? We shall see. But see those stupid Special K cereal commercials and the chicks they choose to highlight who've been successful on the diet? Do those ladies have 2 year olds that cling to your leg while you try to get dressed in the morning so that you can't actually even squeeze a wee bit of exercise in? Do those ladies have stretch marks from gaining 3 times your normal weight over the course of 9 months. Ok, enough Heather, off your soapbox... go eat your cereal.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day One Down, 11 Days left...

First day of the Special K Challenge. To be honest, it wasn't that bad...until... last night. After eating only 2 bowls of cereal during the day, and a few pieces of fruit, you can imagine I was absolutely famished by dinner time. Grilled chicken sausage, polenta, and spinach with raisins and pine nuts. Seems like a "sensible" meal right? Not when your husband is doling out the portions. Whatevs... it was tasty. The only problem was that around 8:30pm, I got hungry again. It was the worst.

Day two has begun, and I'll be serving up myself a hearty portion of vanilla almond cereal with a banana that has less than an hour before it turns to complete mush. Yum.

To clarify, my gentle readers...this is not a starvation diet. And frankly, I'm not all about starving's just that its...well it's winter in Chicago. I just came off of 4 weeks of recruiting where I ate nothing but mini-quiches for breakfast (i would eat 4 at a time...hey--they were mini). I need a revamp on my diet and eating habits. I like a challenge.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Girding up my loins...

...for the special k challenge. winter has really made itself home to chicago this year, and one oftens succumbs to the effects of cabin fever. I got tired of watching those commercials about the special k diet and decided to try it. but who really eats cereal for 2 weeks straight, and loses a 2 dress sizes. and what if your dress has an empire waistline, and covers up your plumpness? Are we talking thin black sexy cocktail dress?

since we don't have a gym in our apartment building, i have been taking bikram yoga once a week to get a meager amount of exercise in. as if chasing around a 2 year old isn't enough. well it isn't enough. until the weather warms up and i can get back outside, there's no running for me. i figure, i've got some time to kill before the weather warms up...why not try this special k diet.

for those that don't know, the diet consists of eating special k products for 2 meals per day. the 3rd meal would be a "sensible" dish. uhhh, does burgers and fries count as sensible? anyway, i figure if state my new 2 week challenge in a public forum, i might just stick to the plan. i will be starting on monday february 15th. stay tuned...
p.s. i really don't even like cereal that much.